
Animal Nutrition & Health

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The Business Reviews include information from the combined entity for 12 months, which includes Firmenich as of 1 January 2023 (pro forma, see Concepts and ratios). It also includes information that is presented in accordance with IFRS, which includes Firmenich from the merger date onwards – whenever this is used this is specifically indicated.

In 2023, we entered into a partnership with Sustained and joined forces with Foundation Earth to provide food companies with a full end-to-end solution for the detailed assessment of the environmental footprint of animal-based foods down to SKU level, while enabling these food producers to then apply an on-pack eco-label to their products through the use of EU PEF compliant Eco-Impact scores from Foundation Earth. The eco-scores delivered by Foundation Earth range from A+ to G and are re-certified annually, making it possible for food product owners to differentiate on sustainability and improve their production standards and associated score over time, while meeting the increasing demand of consumers for sustainably produced products. This multi-lateral collaboration is the first of its kind and allows farmers, processors, food manufacturers, and retail brand owners to manage and communicate the sustainability of animal-based food production by leveraging our Sustell™ service for capturing accurate farm-level specific emissions data and the Sustained platform for delivering product-level environmental life-cycle assessments of consumer food products at scale. This end-to-end, farm-to-fork solution is applicable to all animal proteins such as eggs, milk, fish and meat.

Mint with Purpose: A new farming model for sustainable value

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Case study: Combining our capabilities for a three-way win

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Case study: Enabling sustainable aquaculture with Sustell™

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