Integrated Annual Report 2024

Appendix to the Sustainability Statements

Swiss Ordinance on Climate Matters

The mapping table provided below provides guidance on how dsm-firmenich has reported with regard to the Swiss Ordinance on Climate Matters which came into force on 1 January 2024. These disclosures are based on the TCFD Requirements.

TCFD elements Recommended disclosures References in this report


1. Management’s oversight on climate-related risks and opportunities

General information – Governance

2. Management’s role in assessing and managing climate-related risks and opportunities

Climate change – Impact, risk and opportunity management

Climate – Physical and transition climate risk assessments


1. Description of climate-related risks and opportunities

Climate change – Impact, risk and opportunity management

Climate – Physical and transition climate risk assessments

2. Impact of climate-related risks on the company’s business activities and strategic and financial planning

Climate change – Impact, risk and opportunity management

Climate – Physical and transition climate risk assessments

3. Resilience of the organization’s strategy

Climate change – Impact, risk and opportunity management

Risk management

1. The company’s processes for identifying and assessing climate-related risks

Climate change – Impact, risk and opportunity management

Climate – Physical and transition climate risk assessments

2. The company’s processes for managing climate-related risks

Climate change – Impact, risk and opportunity management

Climate – Physical and transition climate risk assessments

3. Integration of processes for identifying, assessing and managing climate-related risks into the company’s general risk management system

Climate change – Impact, risk and opportunity management

Climate – Physical and transition climate risk assessments

Metrics and targets

1. Metrics with which the company assesses climate-related risks and opportunities

Climate change – Metrics and targets

2. Disclosure of Scope 1, Scope 2 & Scope 3 GHG emissions

Climate change – Greenhouse gas emissions

3. Targets used to manage climate-related opportunities and risks against performance

Climate change – Metrics and targets

Swiss Ordinance on Conflict Minerals

We have assessed our exposure to the minerals and metals specified in Annex I of the Swiss Ordinance. We do not meet the thresholds and have concluded that we are exempted from the due diligence and reporting obligations

Other environmental information

Other environmental information – Fines and non-monetary sanctions






Fines (in €)





Non-monetary sanctions





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