Integrated Annual Report 2024

Assurance report of the independent auditor

To the General Meeting and the Board of Directors of DSM-Firmenich AG

Assurance report on the sustainability statements 2024 included in the Integrated Annual Report

Our conclusion and opinion

We have performed a limited assurance engagement on the consolidated sustainability statements for 2024 of DSM-Firmenich AG based in Kaiseraugst (hereinafter: ‘the Company‘) in section Sustainability Statements of the accompanying management report including the information incorporated in the sustainability statements by reference (hereinafter: ‘the sustainability statements’).

Based on the procedures performed and the assurance evidence obtained, nothing has come to our attention that causes us to believe that the sustainability statements are not, in all material respects:

  • Prepared in accordance with the European Sustainability Reporting Standards (ESRS) as adopted by the European Commission and in accordance with the double materiality assessment process carried out by the company to identify the information reported pursuant to the ESRS; and
  • Compliant with the reporting requirements provided for in Article 8 of Regulation (EU) 2020/852 (Taxonomy Regulation).

Furthermore, we have performed a reasonable assurance engagement on the scope 1, 2 and 3 GHG emissions, employee engagement indicators and the TRIR (hereinafter: ’reasonable assurance indicators’). The reasonable assurance indicators are included in the sections ‘Environmental information’ on page 168, and in the ‘Social information’ on page 180 in the sustainability statements and marked with a[RA].

In our opinion, the reasonable assurance indicators in the sustainability statements are prepared, in all material respects in accordance with the European Sustainability Reporting Standards (ESRS) as adopted by the European Commission.

Basis for our conclusion and opinion

We performed our limited assurance engagement on the sustainability statements and the reasonable assurance engagement on the reasonable assurance indicators, in accordance with Dutch law, including Dutch Standard 3000A ’Assurance-opdrachten anders dan opdrachten tot controle of beoordeling van historische financiële informatie (attest-opdrachten) (assurance engagements other than audits or reviews of historical financial information (attestation engagements)). Our responsibilities under this standard are further described in the section ‘Our responsibilities for the assurance engagement on the sustainability statements’ section of our report.

We are independent of the Company in accordance with the ‘Verordening inzake de onafhankelijkheid van accountants bij assurance-opdrachten’ (ViO, Code of Ethics for Professional Accountants, a regulation with respect to independence). Furthermore, we have complied with the ‘Verordening gedrags- en beroepsregels accountants’ (VGBA, Dutch Code of Ethics for Professional Accountants).

We believe the assurance evidence we have obtained is sufficient and appropriate to provide a basis for our conclusion and opinion.

Emphasis of matters on the sustainability statements

Emphasis on the context of the new sustainability reporting standards

We draw attention to section ‘General information’, more specifically, the paragraph ‘Mandatory reporting requirements’ of the sustainability statements. This disclosure sets out that the sustainability statements have been prepared in a context of new sustainability reporting standards requiring entity-specific and interpretations and addressing inherent measurement or evaluation uncertainties.

Emphasis on the most significant uncertainties affecting the quantitative metrics and monetary amounts

We draw attention to section ‘General information’, more specifically, the paragraph ‘Judgements and estimates’ that identifies the quantitative metrics and monetary amounts that are subject to a high level of measurement uncertainty and discloses information about the sources of measurement uncertainty and the assumptions, approximations and judgements the company has made in measuring these in compliance with the ESRS. The comparability of sustainability information between entities and over time may be affected by the lack of historical sustainability information in accordance with the ESRS and by the absence of a uniform practice on which to draw, to evaluate and measure this information. This allows for the application of different, but acceptable, measurement techniques.

Emphasis on the double materiality assessment process

We draw attention to section ‘General information’, more specifically, the paragraph ‘Materiality assessment process’ in the sustainability statements. This disclosure explains future improvements in the ongoing due diligence and double materiality assessment process, including robust engagement with affected stakeholders. Due diligence is an on-going practice that responds to and may trigger changes in the company’s strategy, business model, activities, business relationships, operating, sourcing and selling contexts. The double materiality assessment process may also be impacted in time by sector-specific standards to be adopted. The sustainability statement may not include every impact, risk and opportunity or additional entity-specific disclosure that each individual stakeholder (group) may consider important in its own particular assessment.

Our conclusion and opinion are not modified in respect to these matters.

Limitations to the scope of our assurance engagement

Assurance has been provided on the sustainability information reported in the prior year Integrated Annual Report, however, not in the context of the new sustainability reporting standards (ESRS). Consequently, the corresponding sustainability information and thereto related disclosures for the year 2023 have not been subject to assurance procedures in the context of the ESRS.

In reporting forward-looking information in accordance with the ESRS, the Management Board of the Company is required to prepare the forward-looking information on the basis of disclosed assumptions about events that may occur in the future and possible future actions by the company. The actual outcome is likely to be different since anticipated events frequently do not occur as expected. Forward-looking information relates to events and actions that have not yet occurred and may never occur. We do not provide assurance on the achievability of this forward-looking information.

The references to external sources or websites in the sustainability information are not part of the sustainability information as included in the scope of our assurance engagement. We therefore do not provide assurance on this information.

Our conclusion and opinion are not modified in respect to these matters.

Description of responsibilities regarding the sustainability statements

Responsibilities of the Executive Committee and the Board of Directors for the sustainability statements

The Executive Committee is responsible for the preparation of the sustainability statements in accordance with the ESRS, including the double materiality assessment process carried out by the Company as the basis for the sustainability statements and disclosure of material impacts, risks and opportunities in accordance with the ESRS. As part of the preparation of the sustainability statements, the Executive Committee is responsible for compliance with the reporting requirements provided for in Article 8 of Regulation (EU) 2020/852 (Taxonomy Regulation). The Executive Committee is also responsible for selecting and applying additional entity-specific disclosures to enable users to understand the company’s sustainability-related impacts, risks or opportunities and for determining that these additional entity-specific disclosures are suitable in the circumstances and in accordance with the ESRS.

Furthermore, the Executive Committee is responsible for such internal control as it determines is necessary to enable the preparation of the sustainability statements that is free from material misstatement, whether due to fraud or error.

The Board of Directors is responsible for overseeing the sustainability reporting process including the double materiality assessment process carried out by the Company.

Our responsibilities for the assurance engagement on the sustainability statements

Our responsibility is to plan and perform the assurance engagement in a manner that allows us to obtain sufficient and appropriate assurance evidence for our conclusion and opinion.

Our assurance engagement on the sustainability statements is aimed to obtain a limited level of assurance to determine the plausibility of the sustainability information and the sustainability statements. The procedures vary in nature and timing from, and are less in extent, than for a reasonable assurance engagement. The level of assurance obtained in a limited assurance engagement is therefore substantially less than the assurance that is obtained when a reasonable assurance engagement is performed.

Our assurance engagement on the reasonable assurance indicators has been performed with a high, but not absolute, level of assurance, which means we may not have detected all material misstatements, whether due to fraud or error.

A further description of our responsibilities for the assurance engagement on the sustainability statements is included in the appendix of this assurance report. This description forms part of our assurance report.

Amstelveen, February 27 2025
KPMG Accountants N.V.

P.J. Groenland-van der Linden, RA


Description of our responsibilities for the assurance engagement on the sustainability statements

We apply the quality management requirements pursuant to the Nadere voorschriften kwaliteitsmanagement (regulations for quality management) and accordingly maintain a comprehensive system of quality management including documented policies and procedures regarding compliance with ethical requirements, professional standards and applicable legal and regulatory requirements.

Our limited assurance engagement included among others:

  • Performing inquiries and an analysis of the external environment and obtaining an understanding of relevant sustainability themes and issues, the characteristics of the company, its activities and the value chain and its key intangible resources in order to assess the double materiality assessment process carried out by the company as the basis for the sustainability statements and disclosure of all material sustainability-related impacts, risks and opportunities in accordance with the ESRS.
  • Obtaining through inquiries a general understanding of the internal control environment, the Company’s processes for gathering and reporting entity-related and value chain information, the information systems and the Company’s risk assessment process relevant to the preparation of the sustainability statements and for identifying the Company’s activities, determining eligible and aligned economic activities and prepare the disclosures provided for in Article 8 of Regulation (EU) 2020/852 (Taxonomy Regulation), without obtaining assurance evidence about the implementation, or testing the operating effectiveness, of controls.
  • Assessing the double materiality assessment process carried out by the company and identifying and assessing areas of the sustainability statements, including the disclosures provided for in Article 8 of Regulation (EU) 2020/852 (Taxonomy Regulation) where misleading or unbalanced information or material misstatements, whether due to fraud or error, are likely to arise (‘selected disclosures’). We designed and performed further assurance procedures aimed at assessing that the sustainability statements are free from material misstatements responsive to this risk analysis.
  • Considering whether the description of the double materiality assessment process in the sustainability statements made by the Executive Committee appears consistent with the process carried out by the Company.
  • Determining the nature and extent of the procedures to be performed both centrally and at component level. For this, the nature, extent and/or risk profile of these components are decisive.
  • Based on our professional judgement we determined materiality levels for each relevant part of the sustainability statement. When evaluating our materiality levels, we have taken into account quantitative and qualitative considerations as well as the relevance of information for both stakeholders and the company.
  • Performing analytical review procedures on quantitative information in the sustainability statements, including consideration of data and trends in the information submitted for consolidation at corporate level.
  • Assessing whether the Company’s methods for developing estimates are appropriate and have been consistently applied for selected disclosures. We considered data and trends, however, our procedures did not include testing the data on which the estimates are based or separately developing our own estimates against which to evaluate management’s estimates.
  • Determining the nature and extent of the review procedures for the group components and locations. For this, we considered the nature, extent, risk profile, as well as a rotation schedule to select the locations to visit. Based thereon we selected the locations to visit. The visits to production sites in China, India, Switzerland, France, the Netherlands, Germany and the United States were aimed at, on a component level, validating source data and evaluating the design and implementation of controls and validation procedures.
  • Analysing, on a limited sample basis, relevant internal and external documentation available to the company (including publicly available information or information from actors throughout its value chain) for selected disclosures.
  • Reading the other information in the Annual Report to identify material inconsistencies, if any, with the sustainability statements.
  • Considering whether:
    • the disclosures provided to address the reporting requirements provided for in Article 8 of Regulation (EU) 2020/852 (Taxonomy Regulation) for each of the environmental objectives, reconcile with the underlying records of the company and are consistent or coherent with the sustainability statements
    • the disclosures provided to address the reporting requirements provided for in Article 8 of Regulation (EU) 2020/852 (Taxonomy Regulation) appear reasonable, in particular whether the eligible economic activities meet the cumulative conditions to qualify as aligned and whether the technical screening criteria are met; and
    • the key performance indicators disclosures have been defined and calculated in accordance with the Taxonomy reference framework as defined in Appendix 1 Glossary of Terms of the CEAOB Guidelines on limited assurance on sustainability reporting adopted on 30 September 2024 , and in compliance with the reporting requirements provided for in Article 8 of Regulation (EU) 2020/852 (Taxonomy Regulation), including the format in which the activities are presented;
  • Considering the overall presentation, structure and the fundamental qualitative characteristics of information (relevance and faithful representation: complete, neutral and accurate) reported in the sustainability statements, including the reporting requirements provided for in Article 8 of Regulation (EU) 2020/852 (Taxonomy Regulation); and
  • Considering, based on our limited assurance procedures and evaluation of the assurance evidence obtained, whether the sustainability statements as a whole, are free from material misstatements and prepared in accordance with the ESRS.

Additionally, our reasonable assurance engagement included, among others:

  • Obtaining an understanding of internal control relevant to the reasonable assurance indicators in order to design assurance procedures that are appropriate in the circumstances, but not for the purpose of expressing an opinion on the effectiveness of the company’s internal control;
  • Instructing and evaluating the procedures performed by the Company’s Group Audit department; and
  • Designing and performing further assurance procedures on the data supporting the specified reasonable assurance indicators, such as sampling and validating data with appropriate supporting evidence.

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