Integrated Annual Report 2024

2 Other short-term receivables

Other short-term receivables from companies in which the entity holds an investment

The receivable from DSM B.V. of €626 million (CHF 580 million) end of 2023 – representing the non-tendered shares in the share capital of DSM N.V. (now DSM B.V.) that DSM-Firmenich AG was to acquire through a buy-out-procedure – was settled in the reporting year.

Other short-term receivables from other group companies

The Other short-term receivables consist of a receivable of €10 million (CHF 9 million); 2023: €692 million (CHF 640 million) from the in-house cash pool and a receivable from other group companies of €42 million (CHF 39 million); 2023: €20 million (CHF 18 million) composed of recharges of corporate service costs and remuneration of key personnel. See also Note 12 Other operating income and expenses.

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