General aspects
DSM-Firmenich AG is a stock corporation (Aktiengesellschaft) incorporated and domiciled in Switzerland. The Company is based in Kaiseraugst, Switzerland. DSM-Firmenich AG is the holding company of the operating companies of the dsm-firmenich Group (Group), which is a leading supplier in nutrition, health, and beauty.
The fiscal year-end of DSM-Firmenich AG is 31 December. These financial statements of DSM-Firmenich AG were prepared in accordance with Swiss Law on Accounting and Financial Reporting (32nd title of the Swiss Code of Obligations). Where not prescribed by law, the significant accounting and valuation principles applied are described below.
The financial statements are presented in euros (EUR or €); the Swiss franc (CHF) values are presented for the purposes of comparison and have been calculated by applying the period-end FX-rate. All values in the financial statements are rounded to the nearest million, except when otherwise indicated. Any main accounting policies applied in the preparation of these financial statements that are not already specified by law, i.e., by the Swiss Code of Obligations, are outlined below in the applicable notes.
DSM-Firmenich AG is presenting consolidated financial statements according to IFRS Accounting Standards. In line with art. 961d of the Swiss Code of Obligations, DSM-Firmenich AG decided to forego presenting the additional information in the notes, the cash flow statement, and the management report.
The Company’s currency – as legally determined by the Articles of Association – is EUR, which is also the functional currency. The Company changed its currency, i.e., the denomination of its share capital in the Articles of Association of the Company, from CHF to EUR as of 1 January 2023, as adopted by the Extraordinary General Meeting on 18 April 2023. The Company has determined that for DSM-Firmenich AG as the holding company, the primary economic environment is in EUR due to its public listing in EUR on the Euronext in Amsterdam (Netherlands) as of 18 April 2023.
The income statement transactions in foreign currencies are recorded at the exchange rate at the date of the transaction. Assets and liabilities denominated in a foreign currency are translated into EUR at period-end exchange rates.
As required by the Swiss Code of Obligations (cf. art. 958d para. 3), the financial statements are also presented in the national currency, being CHF. The following EUR/CHF exchange rates have been applied in these financial statements to translate the balance sheet and income statement:
Closing rate on 31.12.2023: 0.9260
Closing rate on 31.12.2024: 0.9412
Summary of the accounting policies
Cash and cash equivalents
Cash and cash equivalents comprise bank balances.
Investments in companies where the entity holds an investment are valued at acquisition cost less adjustments for impairment of value.